Thursday, March 31, 2016

Swallow Cliff Stairs

April is here! We are only a few months away from summer! Do you have your beach body ready? I certainly don't- at least not completely. Winter in Chicago is very harsh. I tend to get a little bored of working out indoors every day. Now that the temperatures are rising, I look forward to working out outside.

My ideal place to go for a great workout is at Swallow Cliff forest preserve aka the Swallow Cliff Stairs. Swallow Cliff is located in Palos Park on Rt. 83 and US Rt. 45. Many fitness enthusiasts climb the 125 stairs year round, especially on nice, sunny days. It’s grown to be a very popular place for working out.

Climbing the stairs is super challenging, however it’s very beneficial for many reasons such as:

-Improving your cardiovascular fitness
-Burning calories
-Reducing the risk of heart attack
-Improving strength and bone density
-Improving muscle tone

Swallow Cliff will definitely activate your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. Be prepared to be super sore the following day.

My maximum amount of times I climbed up the 125 stairs was 8 times. This year I am motivated to beat that number. Swallow Cliff is challenging but is absolutely my #1 favorite place for great cardio and leg day workout. There are also trails in the woods for those who like running or walking in nature.

Go and experience it for yourself!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Protein Power

Protein consumption is crucial for recovery (repair damaged tissue) and to increase strength after your workout and to be ready for the next workout. Protein is made up of amino acids, small building blocks necessary for synthesizing muscle. On average, you should consume 0.8 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of your body weight. For example, if you weigh150 lbs., you should consume approximately 150 grams of protein per day. There are many foods filled with protein that you can choose from. There are also great protein powders, protein shakes and protein bars that you can consume:

Protein shakes and protein bars are great sources of protein and they can also be delicious. Some of my favorite protein powders include: Gold Standard (Strawberry) which consists of 24 grams of whey protein, Muscle Milk (Chocolate) 32 grams of protein, and BPI Sports Whey HD (Vanilla Caramel)25 grams of protein.

There are a number of ready to drink protein shakes available to buy almost anywhere. My current favorite protein shake is Core Power (Strawberry Banana or Chocolate). It contains 26 grams of protein and tastes delicious.

Another source of protein I recently started drinking is Chocolate milk. It is packed with protein! My favorite types are TruMoo and Fairlife.

Protein Bars


Friday, March 18, 2016

Women and Strength Training

Often times many (if not most) women refuse to do any sort of strength training. They assume lifting weights will make them appear "bulky" or "manly" or they believe their only option for weight loss is to do hours of cardio. False! First of all, I was that type of girl when I first joined the gym years ago. I would spend an hour of doing cardio and would not intend to do any sort of strength training. Thanks to my guy friends who convinced me to start lifting some weights! I noticed an increase in my fat loss and strength and it became an addiction. Strength training is now my LIFE! Today, my cardio includes between 20-30 minutes of HIIT and the rest is all strength training.  Its important for women not to make crazy assumptions that they will look bulky because  strength training will only make you look sexy, toned, and strong. You will build lean muscle.

So what are the benefits of strength training for women?
  • Lifting weights just twice a week can reduce overall body fat percentage by 3% in 10 weeks.
  • Burn more calories throughout the day. Strength training increases the body's metabolic rate so you burn more calories.
  • Bone density and tendon improvement,
  • Helps maintain fat loss.
  • Boosts energy levels and improves mood.
  • Makes you look like sexy and toned!
Pick up those weights ladies! You will soon realize how effective strength training!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Gym Pet Peeves

Some of the things people do or don't do at the gym that drives not only me, but others CRAZY!

When women wear makeup to the gym: Really?! Often times I see women come to the gym looking like a Barbie doll. Please stop! The more you sweat the more muddy your face gets and all that powder flows down your face, not to mention your pores unclog when you sweat and all that dirt gets trapped in there. Please stop.

NO deodorant: Everyone will gradually move farther and farther away from you when you openly spread your arms and have stinky arm pits! Always always remember to wear deodorant. No one wants to be around that suffocating smell. Gross.

When men moan and groan during their weight lifting sets. You sound inappropriate. Please save your animal like noises for your own time.

The awkward creep who checks out every woman that walks by and leers at women until they move to the opposite side of the gym or exit. Ladies beware!

Less talky more lifty. That one person who comes to the gym to chit chat about random things and killing your precious time at the gym! Put your headphones on, get on a machine, and get to work! It’s not social hour it’s lifting hour.

My main pet peeve would be people not putting weights back where they should be. No one wants to search the entire gym looking for equipment.

When people leave a puddle of sweat on gym equipment and don’t wipe it down. Yuck! No one wants to sit on and touch that stuff. Walk a few steps to get a towel and spray bottle to wipe it down.

Crappy music at the gym. Thank God for headphones and your own music device.

But first, let me take a SELFIE. People who repeatedly flex in the mirrors and take pictures of themselves working out.


Improper use of Equipment:  It’s understandable that beginners are not familiar with gym equipment, but please ask a trainer for help. Not only you can seriously injure yourself, but you also look kind of goofy.
Sauna. First, when people sit in the sauna for 30 minutes thinking they will drop 10lbs. Not that simple. Second, people who sit in the sauna for 30 minutes and then go into the hot tub or pool without showering or rinsing their sweaty body. Gross.

People interrupting you between reps. Please don’t ruin my focus.

People who count their reps out loud. It’s a great way to keep track of your progress but QUIETLY or in your head. You’re messing up my count!