-steps walked
-calories burned
-calories consumed
-calories left to burn
-water consumption
Most of the above categories have a goal of the day which you can adjust. For example, my steps for the day goal is 10,000. The tracker flashes 5 lights (solid) and vibrates when I reach my daily goal. Its my happy moment, especially when I reach my goal halfway through my day :) FitBit is a great device for me to track my progress especially when I do a variety of workouts at the gym. I try to improve and beat my previous daily goal but it doesn't always happen, depending how active I am throughout the day. The wristband comes in a variety of colors and is comfortable to wear. To log your progress you need the FitBit app and it automatically syncs your progress through Bluetooth.
It costs anywhere from about $50-$100. There are other FitBit wristbands that are more advanced, such as the Charge HR, Alta, and Blaze. The more advanced ones have more features such as heart rate monitor, music control, and call/text control.